The Center for Great Expectations
The Center for Great Expectations
The Center for Great Expectations is a six-bed residential facility that offers 24-hour staff support and supervision, intensive case management, individual, group and family counseling, life skills training, spirituality, advocacy, referral and discharge planning. Our referrals come from other sources as well including social service agencies, pregnancy centers, hospitals, treatment facilities and churches.
Job/Volunteer Opportunities
Veronica Finlay
Razia Ali
Ekta Bhagia
Bob Bridgeman
Kimberley Byles-Sunkins
Caroline Campbell
Special Events & Marketing Assistant
Jaclyn Camporeale
Cathe Della Badia
Pam DeLuca
Mary Jean DiRoberto
Mara Domider
Tom Farrell
Carolyn Flynn
John Giuliano
HR Compliance
Deborah Haroldsen
Finance Director
Terri Illes
Jennifer Kelly
LeeAndrea Kirkland
Allison Lavallato
Cathy Lawson
Shaquana McKoy
HR/Compliance Specialist
Frank Picone
Bertha Pollard
Erica Pulliam
Ellen Purtell
Sarah Ranji
Pam Roes
VP Development
Kim Ruoff
Gina Smith
Ed Stankiewicz
Board of Directors
Willie Torres
Jenn Unger
Yvette Weeks
Noreen Whittemore
Community Outreach/Volunteer Manager
Peg Wright