Norris McLaughlin, P.A.
Norris McLaughlin, P.A.
General Practice
Norris McLaughlin provides full-service legal counsel to families and businesses in the areas of Banking, Bankruptcy & Creditors Rights, Business Law, Cannabis Law, Environmental, Estate Planning, Food & Beverage Law, Health Care, Immigration, Intellectual Property, Labor & Employment, Litigation, Real Estate, Taxation, and more! NM is the largest firm in Somerset County, and a long-time member of SCBP.
Nicholas Duston
Amy Abbot
Brian Anscomb
Arnold Bartfeld
Rocco Beltrami
Bill Beneduce
David Berger
David Blatteis
Bartley Breinin
William Brewer
Anthony Brichta
Kurt Briscoe
Doug Brown
Charles Bruder
Janisse Bruno
Jeffrey Cassin
A. Nichole Cipriani
Anthony Collesano
Patrick Collins
Adam Cook
Michael Coppa
James Costello
Skylar Daley
Danielle DeFilippis
Anthony D'Elia
Thomas Dinkelacker
Victor Elgort
Christopher Erd Esq.
Member Attorney
Joseph Farco
Rikki Field
Hugh Finnegan
Linda Flaherty
Susan Foti
Oldrich Foucek
Robert Gabrielski
Jerome Gallagher
Emil Giordano
Mariya Gonor
Ezra Goodman
Christopher Gray
Bruce Hamburg
Jeanne Hamburg
David Harmon
Judith Harris
Edd Hogan
Barbara Hollenbach
Peter Hutcheon
Joel Jacobson
John Jakub
Sandra Jarva Weiss
Steven Karg
John Kelly
Carissa Klein
Dolores Laputka
James Laskey
Peter Lehr
Lauren Lewis
Michael Ligorano
Scott Lipson
Bruce Londa
John Lushis
Robert Mahoney
Joe Mason
Timothy Mckeown
Kenneth Meskin
William Murphy
Eric Negri
Stephen Offen
Vaughn Parchment
Andrew Parfomak
Nicholas Pellitta
Melissa Pena
Rebeccca Price
Gerald Proefriedt
Margaret Raymond-Flood
Steve Reed
Michael Reilly
Samuele Riva
David Roberts
Dean Roberts
Joseph Salvador
Michelle Scanlon
Benjamin Schwartz
Benjamin Sheppard
Amy Shorter
Business Development & Marketing Manager
David Siegel
Shana Siegel
Graham Simmons
Milan Slak
Jodi Sokol
Alexander Sokolof
Richard Somach
Edward Sponzilli
Alan Tenenbaum
Gysselle Terry
Michael Townsend
Sharyn Tritto
John Vanarthos
Sophia Villani
Emily Viret
David Vozza
Kimbrilee Weber
Matthew Wells
Mark Weyman
Bruce Wisotsky
Theodore Zeller