UWNNJ United Way


Community Development


The Somerset County United Way leads a caring community to create solutions that transform people's lives. This is accomplished by bringing about change by raising and bringing to bear financial, intellectual, and volunteer resources, as well as serving as catalyst for change in Somerset County. TheUnited Way's vision is that all Somerset County residents possess a living income. This will be accomplished by helping individuals to achieve financial stabiliy, to live healthy life styles, and to promote life readiness.

Job/Volunteer Opportunities


Bonnie O'Neill

Rachelle Alaboud

Jackie Balloutine

Rachel Brown

Laura Bruno

Jasmin Carrera

Susan Cohen

Monica Conover

Andrea Conway

Michele Dreiblatt

Catherine Felegi
Marketing & Communications Manager

John Franklin
CEO & President

Simone Gagneron

Lisa Galonardo
Asst. VP of Volunteer Services

Tina Gargiulo
Resource Development & Communications Manager

Kiran Gaudioso

Joanne Hala

Stephanie Hoopes

Stephanie Howland

Sean Hyland

Laura Iandiorio

Theresa Leamy

Monica Lemperle

Karen May
Billing Coordinator

Terrie McCoy

Jodi Miciak

Steven Miller
Senior Manager

Irene Natale

Nicole Ottens

Allison Pepin

Molly Rennie

Giovanni Restrepo

Michelle Roers

stephanie samuel

Doris Thomas

Leslie Towns

Rose Twombly

Robyn Ulmer

Lynn Weckworth
Vice President

George Xuereb

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