
Awards & Promotional


Speed We have always been frustrated with the long turnaround times in the Screen Printing and Embroidery industry. We know that when you place an order you don’t want to wait 10+ business days to receive it. At Twisted Ink we have standard turnaround times for both Screen Printing and Embroidery of under 5 business days. We push the limits every day so that your order is in your hands quicker. Result Have you ordered apparel in the past and never once been asked WHY you are ordering and HOW you are using the items? We ask these questions because every order placed with us is an investment not and expense. We are focused on getting the results you want and how to achieve them for every budget. Environment At Twisted Ink we also believe in being more environmentally friendly. The traditional chemicals used in Screen Printing are harsh on both the environment and the people who use them. We are committed to using only environmentally safe chemicals and reducing our overall waste. Our production management software allows us to be virtually paperless and it provides a better overall interaction with our clients.


Maria Muniz

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